Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dear BlogSpot

So the therapist is officially too expensive to go to per session. So now you are my therapist.

What do you do when you have had a best friend for 13+years, and you enjoy hanging out with them, but the things that they believe in and 'stand for' are so radically different from your own that you can barely tolerate them? I almost feel like I am obligated to be their friend just because we have been for so long. But everything from their choices in life to the beliefs that they hold are just so different (we used to be almost the same person) from my own that I can't stand them. I love them, with all of my heart, but damn near 50% of what comes out of their mouth just makes me roll my eyes. They're an adult, yes, but they haven't quite grown up.

When the person who preordered Pokemon X says that you haven't grown up yet, maaaaaaybe some things need to be reassessed.

I want them to grow up. I want them to become the wonderful person I know they can be. But they won't. It's like they refuse, and they are just stuck in this bubble. In the same bedroom for years, surrounded by the same people, for years. How can one grow and evolve if they are never forced to change?

Without order nothing can live. Without chaos, nothing can evolve.

By no means am I tooting my own horn as some superior human being because I've led a different life. For all I know, I am no more adult than them, I could just be a massive fuck up. And I have (see previous blog) been a massive fuck up before.

It's less a poisonous relation ship for me, and more just an annoyance. So what do I do.


P.S. I got a courtesy call from Gamestop thanking me for preordering Pokemon X. :3 October 12 is sooo cloooooose.

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