Monday, September 30, 2013

Let's Talk Video-Game "Violence"

So I stumbled upon this article today on my Xfinity homepage that I can't seem to/am to lazy to change.

10 Most Violent Video Games

I know, I know. Beating a dead horse. Everyone knows that this argument is still illogical, and putting the 'violent video game' blame on the companies instead of the parents. News Flash: Video games aren't about kids anymore.

Guess the average age of a 'gamer' in the United States. Just a guestimation. Come on.

30. It's 30 fucking years old. And the average time with 'game' experience is 13 years.

But my favorite part of the article? Look at the bottom left corner of every single photo that you scroll through. What's the rating on them? 9 out of 10 (one being an expansion) are Rated M. For Mature. Which, if you brush up on your ESRB (aka it's RIGHT FUCKING THERE ON THE PACKAGE) is 17 or older.

17! This article shouldn't have to tell parents that these are violent video games that they need to keep their kids away from because it says it right there on the box. It's not there for shits and giggles. It's there because Saints Row lets you kill cops with a giant purple dildo. Dead Island (on an ISLAND) has copious amounts of women in scantily clad swim suits. Who are swearing and drink. Because they're on goddamn vacation they can do what they want. They tell you right there on the label why this game is so not okay for your ten year old kid.

And the looks some of the poor Gamestop employees get when a parent scoffs at them when they're informed the game is rated M for mature, for 17+.

Here's another fun stat (thanks,!): 91% of games are rated T for Teens or lower (younger, softer, whatever). The game choices for your child are the majority of games available. Even though your child is not the majority demographic game companies are aiming for.

Get your shit together parents. And stop blaming companies for your incompetence. I bet they're the parents who take their kids to an R-rated movie and wonder why they got a detention for saying 'fuck you' to their teacher, and blame the movie industry. If you know the consequences of your actions, then you get to make that choice, but you don't get to push your inadequacy as a parent onto outside sources. There's a reason that even if accompanied by a parent, kids just cannot see certain movies. I am almost tempted to push this limitation onto video games. Because clearly we need to punish the parents and teach them a lesson.

Also I may or may not need a GTAV intervention. I can't stop. And why is the trashiest, dirtiest, most inappropriate character the one that I love the most? I think it's because he's Canadian. We have a kinship.

The Peener

P.S: Don't you just LOVE that you're not allowed to make any comments on this article/Powerpoint/slideshow/whatever the hell it is?

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