Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Amp Up the Crazy

I'm starting to debate the necessity of a therapist. I went to a 'session' today and we didn't talk about anything earth-shattering. Which is fine, I don't need to delve deep into my soul every time. Most of the time, I go because I just like talking to someone. Today we talked about the potential of video games and the industry as a whole, and how it's just getting started. We also went into the topic of art mediums, and I explained how different paints and the stuff with ceramics works. She seemed very interested in it, and she told me as I was leaving that sometimes she likes to just let me sit back and talk. It really does make me feel better. But at the same time, it's so expensive. For whatever reason, the insurance has decided to reset something rather, and it went from $20 a session to $105 a session.


So now I'm concerned. How valuable is this therapy to me? Is it enough to consistently be draining my father of these funds? (If I stay at the weekly sessions, that's $420 a month. Eek!) Maybe $20 a session was, but certainly not how much it is now. That'd be a once a month thing, if that. I know that maintaining a good mental-health state is important, but money is almost just as important in the world, especially for a father who doesn't quite understand what's wrong.

Speaking of healthcare, this is an interesting video (via a great author, John Green):


I love it because he also cites his sources. What a good guy.

Blah. This was a useless post kind of. I don't know what the point of it was. I'm gonna go make grilled cheese.


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